Sunday, December 20, 2009

Quickest Supper in the West

As it was chores day today, and I had been going non-stop for about 4 hours, I did not want to cook an elaborate dinner. I wanted the quickest meal that still felt like a tasty reward for all the work of the day.

So I made a healthier version of Franks & Beans & potato chips! It was yummy.

Healthier Franks & Beans:

Turkey Hot Dogs
(1 dog = 100 cals.)
All Natural Pickle
Whole Wheat Hot Dog Buns
(1 = 170 cals. each!)
Vegetarian Baked Beans
(228 cals in half a can)
1/2 single serving bag of BBQ Pop Chips
(50 cals.)

The last thing I did before closing up the kitchen was cook up some cinammon apples with a teaspoon of sugar till soft (it tasted like apple pie filling) for Sam's morning oatmeal.


  1. OMG Sam is so lucky to have you making all these yummy meals for him! I love a lot of these ideas and the calculator rocks! xo,Em

  2. Thank you Emily! I'm going to try and add more vegetarian recipes and also show when you can make a chicken or fish dish vegetarian.
